Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
1Effect of weedy culture on population densities, spatial distributions and sampling procedures of Spodoptera exigua and Sesamia cretica (Lep., Noctuidae) in corn fieldsNemat Dinarvand; Ali Rajabpour; Nooshin Zandi Sohani; Mohammad FarkhariBulletin of Entomological Research2019
2Important predaceous insects of citrus aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the north of IranFarzaneh Alizadeh Kafeshani; Ali Rajabpour; Sirous Aghajanzadeh; Esmaeil Gholamian; Mohammad FarkhariIran Agricultural Research2018
3Genetic diversity assessment of Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum L.) ecotypes using ISSR markersSaghalli, Mohammad Farkhari, Afshin Salavati, Khalil Alamisaeid, Alireza AbdaliJournal of Agricultural Biotechnology2016
4DNA Molecular Markers Depicted Genetic Variability and Heterotic Pattern Among Maize Inbred LinesF. MohamadiSuni, M. Farkhari, H. Taheri, P.Pormohammadi, M. BarzegariJournal of Applied Biotechnology Reports2017
5Colchicine Induced Embryogenesis in Date Palm (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) Anther CultureF.F. Kolahkaj, P.PourMohammadi, M.Farkhari,, K. AlamiSaeidJournal of Applied Biotechnology Reports2016
6Interactions between Orius albidipennis and Aphidius colemani (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) for the control of Aphis gossypii on greenhouse cucumberMehran Attarzadeh; Ali Rajabpour; Mohammad Farkhari; Arash RasekhJournal of Crop Protection2019
7Spatial distribution and sampling plans with fixed level of precision for citrus aphids (Hom., Aphididae) on two orange speciesFarzaneh Alizadeh Kafeshani; Ali Rajabpour; Sirous Aghajanzadeh; Esmaeil Gholamian; Mohammad FarkhariJournal of Economic Entomology2018
8Comparison of different sampling procedures for population monitoring of important citrus aphids on two orange speciesFarzaneh Alizadeh Kafeshani; Ali Rajabpour; Sirous Aghajanzadeh; Esmaeil Gholamian; Mohammad FarkhariJournal of Entomological Research Society2019
9Milk Thistle [Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.] Seed Fungi in a Sub-Tropical DistrictB. Pakdaman Sardrood, M FarkhariJournal of Innovative Agriculture2021
10Effect of Genotype and Methyl Jasmonate on Silymarin Content of Silybum marianum L. hairy roots CultureFarideh Iranparast, Mohammad Farkhari, Ali EskandariJournal of Medicinal plants and By-product2023
11Anti-oxidative Response of Bacillus thuringiensis-Primed Tomato Plants to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersiciM.Zibanezhadian, B.Pakdaman Sardrood, H.Taheri, M.FarkhariJournal of Plant Molecular Breeding2020
12Repellency and some biological effects of different ultrasonic waves on Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)S.S. Salehi, A. Rajabpour, A. Rasekh, M. FarkhariJournal of Stored Products Research2016
13Recombination frequency variation in maize as revealed by genomewide single-nucleotide polymorphismsM. Farkhari,Y. Lu, T.Shah, S.Zhang,M.R. Naghavi,T.Rong, Y. XuPlant Breeding2011
14Root-lodging resistance in maize as an example for high-throughput genetic mapping via single nucleotide polymorphism-based selective genotypingM. Farkhari,A. Krivanek, Y. Xu, T. ong, M.R. Naghavi,B.Y. Samadi Y. LuPlant Breeding2012
15Joint linkage–linkage disequilibrium mapping is a powerful approach to detecting quantitative trait loci underlying drought tolerance in maizeY. Lu, S. Zhang, T. Shah, C. Xie, Z. Hao, X. Li, M. Farkhari, J.M. Ribaut, M. Cao, T. Rong, Y. Xu,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2010
16Silymarin Production in Inoculated Silybum marianum L. Hairy Roots Culture with Piriformospora indicaY. Nouri, M. FarkhariRussian Journal of Plant Physiology2023
17Induction of Sugar Beet Resistance to Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Under Field ConditionsFatemeh Yarahmadi, Neemat Dinarvan, Mohammad FarkhariSugar Tech2022
Showing 1-17 of 17 items.